Crosslink Membership
Membership at Crosslink is not about having a name on a roll, it’s about partnering together to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples. In order for us to get to know you better, we have designed a Membership Class where we lay out the expectations for partnering members. During this time, we build off of the Crosslink Chat and dive deeper into the heart of Crosslink. Our time will focus on how we strive to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples. Our goal is hear your story and for you to be able to make an informed decision about partnering through membership
2021 & 2022 Classes:
I have been through the Crosslink Membership Class and I am ready to partner through membership...
If you are choosing to join Crosslink Community Church as a member, we are thankful that you are committing to live out your life as a Christ follower as outlined in the materials covered in the Members are Partners session. If you have completed the class then please click the button below to submit your Membership details.
I Am Ready To Be A Member